Fantastic Hats
ISBN 2-7625-7157-X
DDC j646.5
Jean Free, formerly an elementary-school teacher-librarian, is currently
a library consultant in Ontario.
Aided by beautiful color photographs, Fantastic Hats shows 8- to
10-year-old children 23 ways to make hats (for plays or parties) from
cardboard or paper. There are step-by-step instructions on constructing
basic hat shapes (e.g., cone, box, silhouette), and decorating tips on
adding texture, ruching, spirals, brims, braids, and pleats. Photographs
of children modeling a wide variety of paper hats help the would-be hat
creator visualize the finished product. Spiral binding allows the
book’s thick cardboard pages to lie flat. Clear metric measurements
with easy-to-follow explanations are given for the various hats, the
chief materials for which are tissue, construction paper, cardboard, and
aluminum foil.
Suitable for libraries, classroom, and individual collections, this
sturdy book will stimulate the making of creative and inexpensive hats.
Other books in this attractive series include Make-up Magic, Paper
Costumes, and Party Time. Recommended.