Waiting for Jasmine


93 pages
ISBN 0-88899-194-0
DDC jC843'.54





Translated by Sheila Fischman
Reviewed by Lori McLeod

Lori McLeod is a librarian with the Toronto Public Library.


Waiting for Jasmine is an English translation of the 1991 Governor
General’s Literary Award winner, Deux Heures et Demie avant Jasmine.
As 16-year-old Raymond anxiously awaits the arrival of his girlfriend,
Jasmine, he talks into a tape recorder, expressing his thoughts and
feelings. Raymond is a very engaging character—thoughtful, mature, and
gifted with a pleasant sense of humor.

Tonight is “The Big Night” as Raymond and Jasmine have decided to
have sex for the first time in their six-month relationship. We witness
various dating rituals as Raymond prepares for this very special
evening—clean bed sheets and condoms. Raymond and Jasmine are good
friends, who respect and care for one another deeply. They have
seriously thought about their decision to begin a sexual relationship,
and are trying to be responsible for their actions.

This book is well written, and the subject matter is handled expertly.
But some parents may object, feeling that Raymond and Jasmine are simply
too young to make a decision of this nature and that abstinence is the
only choice. Recommended with reservations.


Gravel, François., “Waiting for Jasmine,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/20703.