The Dragon's Tapestry


183 pages
ISBN 0-88995-080-6
DDC jC813'.54




Margaret Bunel Edwards writes novels for young adults. She is the author
of Little Stitch and The Ocean Between.


In a mythical land from a misty past, every child born has a tapestry,
woven by the Oldwife of the village, that forecasts through its symbols
what lies ahead. Without a tapestry, the child is declared soulless. Why
then, when Marwen is born, does the Oldwife weave the tapestry and hide
it, leading the villagers to think she has no soul? Marwen’s mother
dies in childbirth, and while Marwen is loved by Oldwife, she is reviled
by the villagers. Bitterness and hostility are a large part of her
childhood, as is fear on the part of others. Those close to her know she
possesses magic powers. Those powers lead her into danger, as well as
love and mystery.

Bates weaves beautiful similes and metaphors as easily as she weaves
spells. Her prose is poetry-like, reflecting the excitement and tension
of the plot. The fantasy world in which Marwen lives and matures is a
fitting background for dragons and wingwands, for the Taker and the
illusive Nimroth.

The reader falls completely under the magic spell of an imagined land
that becomes more real with each turned page. When Marwen decides that
she must return to her dragon-destroyed village to heal old differences
and misunderstandings before she becomes the Prince’s bride, her
decision is logical and acceptable. This story will enrich and enchant
the young-adult reader. Highly recommended.


Bates, Martine., “The Dragon's Tapestry,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,