Where There's Smoke
ISBN 1-55037-291-2
DDC jC813'.54
Jean Free, formerly an elementary-school teacher-librarian, is currently
a library consultant in Ontario.
Daisy bites her nails “like mad” and her father smokes cigarettes
“like crazy.” They both make New Year’s resolutions to stop and
try to help each other quit their bad habits. They do things together to
get their minds off “chomping and puffing,” and become so busy that
Grandma takes the family to the symphony as a reward for keeping their
Janet Munsil’s witty exaggerations and Michael Martchenko’s sunny,
detailed illustrations make this a story to be enjoyed many times. It
reminds us that we need help if we are going to change our habits, and
that it is very difficult to change established patterns.
Part of the Health Canada series promoted by Health and Welfare Canada,
Where There’s Smoke will be a successful tool for primary-grade
teachers to use in discussing techniques for breaking bad habits, or for
families seeking to change their lifestyles. Highly recommended.