Two Minutes for Roughing


112 pages
ISBN 1-55028-459-2
DDC jC813'.54




Reviewed by Lisa Arsenault

Lisa Arsenault is an elementary-school teacher in Ajax, Ontario.


Lester’s parents have separated, and he has moved to a new
neighborhood and is attending a new school. He tries out for the local
hockey team and is accepted but spends most of the ice time on the
bench. The coach allocates the largest portions of playing time to two
brothers and another boy, who are good players, but who are also bullies
both on and off the ice. When Lester stands up to them, one of the
brothers sets a fire in the school and ensures that Lester is blamed.
Just as Lester is about to be charged with arson by the police, the
third member of the gang reveals the truth.

This classic bullies-out-to-get-the-new-kid story is notable for its
quick-paced delivery and believable dialogue. There is little in-depth
character development but the reader nevertheless gains a clear sense of
the personalities involved. The star player of the team, a girl, is
particularly well drawn. An author could go over the top with this
almost-obligatory politically correct character, but Romain avoids this
pitfall. Similarly, he avoids sugar-coating the happy ending: the family
reunites during the arson crisis but we are not told if they remain
together. Recommended.


Romain, Joseph., “Two Minutes for Roughing,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,