Maddie Goes to Paris


61 pages
ISBN 0-88780-279-6
DDC jC843'.54





Illustrations by Marie-Louise Gay
Translated by Sarah Cummins

Margaret Bunel Edwards writes novels for young adults. She is the author
of Little Stitch and The Ocean Between.


Maddie leaves for Paris to see her grandfather and grandmother. She
loves Paris with its statues, fountains, art galleries, and Nфtre Dame
Cathedral. Her cousin, Pierre, takes her to meet his friends, one of
whom, Abdoul, makes flying birds and sells them to the tourists. Maddie
launches one of the birds, which, unfortunately, lands on a policeman.
Abdoul runs away. He is an illegal immigrant, and even Pierre does not
know where he lives. Pierre and Maddie search for Abdoul, but with no

The next day, after a telephone call, Pierre’s father and mother act
mysteriously and leave the house. Maddie and Pierre keep searching for
their friend in vain. When they get home, there is Abdoul. Earlier the
police had arrested Abdoul, but released him to Pierre’s father (whom
they had called) when they discovered that Abdoul’s family had proper
papers after all. Everyone agrees that the happy ending is thanks to
Maddie and the bird.

Large print, sporty dialogue, a brisk plot, and lots of humor make this
an easy-to-read and fun first novel for the beginning reader. Highly


Leblanc, Louise., “Maddie Goes to Paris,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,