The Spring Celebration


26 pages
ISBN 0-921827-46-6
DDC jC813'.54




Illustrations by Christie Rice
Reviewed by Simone Lamoureux

Simone Lamoureux is an elementary-school teacher in Ile-des Chкnes,


Iskotew, a young Native girl, is waiting in anticipation for the first
warm spring Sunday. Having spent a long and bitterly cold winter, she
and others in her community are excited about the coming of spring. For
them, the first warm spring Sunday is a sign that spring has arrived.

Set in Brochet, Manitoba, the beautiful narrative describes how a tiny
community in northern Manitoba celebrates the coming of spring. Children
and adults prepare a feast for the celebration, which takes place on a
tiny island near the village. They conclude their celebration by
drinking tea and telling stories.

This informative, well-illustrated picture book would be especially
beneficial in Social Studies units that deal with communities or
cultural differences, as well as with themes based on spring or
festivities. Highly recommended.


Umpherville, Tina., “The Spring Celebration,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,