Branch of the Talking Teeth
ISBN 1-896184-06-5
DDC jC813'.54
Barbara M. Buetter conducts creative-writing workshops for children and
is the author of Simple Puppets from Everyday Materials.
Inspired by the discovery of an ancient burial mound, this story, set
7000 years ago, tells of a headstrong young girl, Teta, and the
storyteller Moonhead. Moonhead has won respect with his wise tales but
is hunted by the cruel Soogat, who sees him as a threat to his
leadership. Moonhead marries Teta, a brave and skilled guide, in the
hope that she will save both his stories and his life. As Teta leads
Moonhead to safety, he teaches her the stories of the Branch of the
Talking Teeth. Holding one tooth from each of the people who carried it
before is the branch—the mouth of these dead storytellers.
The story of Teta’s journey to maturity and the awakening of her
storytelling spirit may appeal to children who like fantasy, history,
and adventure. However, the pace of the story is often slowed by the
telling of the branch’s stories, and the tales’ morals may prove too
weighty for young readers. Recommended with reservations.