Matthew and the Midnight Flood
ISBN 0-7737-5941-7
DDC jC813'.54
Krystyna J. Higgins is the former book review editor for the Catholic
New Times.
The irrepressible Matthew is back with another goofy midnight adventure.
This time a backed-up drain in his basement leads Matthew on a mission
as a plumber’s assistant. Together they tackle a huge flood that
threatens to engulf the city, including (most importantly) the Comic
Book Library. With the help of some specialized equipment and a giant
rubber plug, they manage to save the day and earn themselves a rest at
the underground “secret plumbers’ spa,” which features junk food
galore and 34 TV sets.
Some old friends from Matthew’s previous adventures reappear here:
the midnight pirates, the air-headed midnight turkeys, and, of course,
Matthew’s longsuffering mother.
Michael Martchenko’s hilarious illustrations enhance the story,
especially in the facial expressions of the characters and the
chaotically cluttered cityscapes. Fast-paced, funny, and unexpectedly
rhythmical at times, the text is perfect for reading aloud. Recommended.