Come to Your Senses (All Eleven of Them)
ISBN 1-55037-292-0
DDC j152
Ian Wylie Toal is a freelance science writer living in Martindale,
This delightful book consists of a series of experiments and
demonstrations designed to teach children about the senses. These
include more than the usual five; taste, smell, sight, touch, and
hearing are augmented by pressure, hot, cold, muscle and joint, tilt,
and balance. Tytla’s writing style is appealingly conversational,
there is a good flow to the text, and the language is appropriate,
neither too simplistic, nor too technical. Terms and concepts are well
defined, and reinforced by the brief glossary.
Although the book’s layout is a little busy, the instructions for the
experiments are clearly written and easy to follow. Each experiment
contains a boxed insert of related information, and concludes with a
brief description of what the experimenter should have seen (or smelt,
or heard).
Come to Your Senses is probably best for ages 8 and up. The experiments
are subtle—nothing “gee-whiz” really happens—so it may not hold
the attention of younger children. However the top end is open; even
adults will learn a considerable amount from this book. Recommended.