Tiger's New Cowboy Boots
ISBN 0-88995-153-5
DDC jC813'.54
Ethel King-Shaw is professor emerita of curriculum and instruction in
the Department of Teacher Preparation, University of Calgary.
Set in the Rocky Mountain foothills, this action-packed story centres on
Tyler (nicknamed “Tiger”), a city boy who visits his Uncle Roy’s
ranch to participate in the annual cattle drive. For the occasion, he
purchases a fancy new pair of cowboy boots, but to his dismay, everyone
is too busy to notice them. It is a long and arduous drive, 12 miles to
the river over rough and dusty terrain on a very hot day. When the
cattle finally reach their summer pasture, the cowboys notice Tiger’s
cowboy boots.
The camaraderie shared on a cattle drive is well portrayed throughout
this story. Colorful illustrations convey a feeling of vast distances,
the beauty of the foothills country, and the dynamic action of the
cattle drive. Recommended.