Morningstar: A Warrior's Spirit


187 pages
ISBN 1-55050-346-4
DDC 362.83'089972





Reviewed by Susan Manitowabi

Susan Manitowabi is an assistant professor of Native Human Services at
Laurentian University in Sudbury.


It is difficult for many Aboriginal people to break away from the
stereotype of the drunken, drug-addicted Indian living on welfare.
Aboriginal people want to make positive changes in their lives, but the
environment they live in sets them up for failure. As a result, they
resort to the only existence that they know.

This book tells the story of Morningstar Warrior from her relatively
stable childhood to a chaotic adolescence characterized by alcohol,
drug, and sexual abuse, to her struggle for a life free from abuse.
While the love of her only child forces her to make positive changes in
her life, these changes are difficult to maintain. But her fortunes
improve when she is introduced to a traditional lifestyle. Through the
support and encouragement of the Elders and their traditional teachings,
Morningstar is provided with the tools she needs to live a good life.
She is a positive role model for others trying to break away from the
same destructive cycle of abuse.


Mercredi, Morningstar., “Morningstar: A Warrior's Spirit,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,