Haida Gwaii: Journeys Through the Queen Charlotte Islands. 2nd ed.


150 pages
Contains Maps, Bibliography
ISBN 1-55192-686-5
DDC 917.11'12044






Photos by David Nunuk
Reviewed by David Allinson

David Allinson is the president of the Rocky Point Bird Observatory in Victoria, B.C.


In their revised and updated second edition, Ian Gill and David Nunuk
present a blend of natural, social, and cultural history framed by
stunning photographs that capture the mystery and splendour of the Queen
Charlottes. An archipelago of nearly 1900 islands off the coast of
northern British Columbia, “Canada’s Galapagos” is a place of
natural beauty, with its mist-enshrouded forests and violent storms. Its
Native history is filled with both rich culture and tragedy. Indeed, the
environmental battle to save Gwaii Haanas (South Moresby) from the
chainsaw in 1987 was a gift to the world and future generations.

The author’s first-person narrative is accessible and peppered with
anecdotes about the characters who call the islands home today. Gill has
an obvious understanding of and deep respect for the Haida people, and
he provides glimpses into their history, art, and culture. Particularly
fascinating are the varying (and ever-evolving) Haida versions of the
human creation myth as told by different elders.

Nunuk’s breathtaking images, many with a painting-like quality, help
convey the essence of the islands. Particularly poignant are pictures of
a graveyard at Old Massett under grey skies, the cornucopia of sea life
at Burnaby Narrows, and a pair of perched eagles backlit against a


Gill, Ian., “Haida Gwaii: Journeys Through the Queen Charlotte Islands. 2nd ed.,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 28, 2024, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/14405.