Retirement Planning: A Guide for Canadians
Contains Index
ISBN 1-55013-460-4
DDC 332.024'0565
Kathy Lea is head of learning resources at the Buchanan Resource Centre,
Lethbridge Community College.
Easy Street will not be your retirement address, contends this book,
unless you undertake sound financial planning and give special
consideration to the idiosyncrasies of the Canadian context. McCarley
develops this theme using a question-and-answer format and exploring
issues from the perspective of the average Canadian. Tax reduction is a
prominent subject (the author received input from tax professionals at
Deloitte & Touche), and the material is easy to assimilate despite
allusions to complex tax regulations.
An index and detailed table of contents enhance the usefulness of this
“map to Easy Street,” which Canadians from all walks of life and age
groups should find invaluable.