AM Klein: An Annotated Bibliography


390 pages
Contains Index
ISBN 1-55022-095-0
DDC 016.811'52





Reviewed by R. Gordon Moyles

R.G. Moyles is a professor of English at the University of Alberta and
co-author of Imperial Dreams and Colonial Realities: British Views of
Canada, 1880-1914.


Though one may be a little put off by the editors’ seemingly boastful
opening statement—to the effect that A.M. Klein is “the most gifted
Canadian poet of his generation” and perhaps “the most gifted
Canadian poet Canada has yet produced”—one cannot deny that Klein
was a brilliant, and somewhat underrated, poet whose achievements and
influence are only now becoming known. This outstanding annotated
bibliography will do much to continue and expand our awareness of
Klein’s brilliance and importance. It is a primary/secondary
bibliography, clearly denoted as such by two distinct divisions into
“Works by A.M. Klein” and “Works on A.M. Klein.” The
comprehensiveness of each may be indicated by the fact that in Part 1
the editors include not merely books, manuscript, and individual poems
(with sources), but offer translations, audio-visual materials, and
reprinted pieces in anthologies, as well as essays, articles, and
reviews. Part 2 is similarly complete, with only the reviews of
Klein’s work being subject to selection. The annotations, perhaps a
little unfortunately (because some primary works could benefit from some
textual commentary), are restricted to Part 2 and are mainly abstracts
of the scholarly books and articles.

There is little to criticize here, and much to praise. The organization
is exemplary, offering easy access to the multiplicity of materials;
individual citations are meticulous; annotations are lucid and
pertinent; and there are two useful indexes—one for the “Essays,
Articles and Reviews” and the other for “Critics Listed in the
Bibliography.” For Klein scholars this will be an invaluable tool.


Zailig, Pollock., “AM Klein: An Annotated Bibliography,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed January 17, 2025,