Political Babble: The 1,000 Dumbest Things Ever Said by Politicians
Contains Index
ISBN 0-471-57710-3
DDC 081
Dennis Blake is a high-school history teacher with the Halton Board of
Given the cynicism that has become part and parcel of Western political
culture, it is difficult not to appreciate any book that has as its
subtitle The 1,000 Dumbest Things Ever Said by Politicians.
David Olive, editor of the Globe and Mail Report on Business Magazine,
has brought together a wide and amusing collection of politicians’
verbal faux pas, organized under such headings as “On the Campaign
Trail,” “Economics,” “Scandals,” and “Quayludes.” By
focusing on recent politics (i.e., the past 10 to 20 years), he is able
to dispense with a lot of contextual explanation and squeeze in multiple
quotes from some of our most “notable” Canadian and American
leaders. Those who are inclined to read a book from cover to cover will
discover that Olive has elegantly constructed an insightful and
surprisingly sobering oral history.