I Love Mom: An Irreverent History of the Tattoo


143 pages
Contains Bibliography
ISBN 1-55013-581-3
DDC 391'65






Photos by Judy Nisenholt
Reviewed by Bonnie Bates

Bonnie Bates is a reference librarian at the National Gallery of Canada.


This witty history of the tattoo presents two parallel stories that run
throughout the book. One traces the development of tattooing through the
ages; the other examines the tattoo as an expression of independence
exhibited by the rebel figure or societal outcast. This reviewer found
the former story more interesting because of the changing social mores
and attitudes it reveals. The highlight of the book, however, is its
photographs. A mix of the archival and the contemporary, these images
turn the reader into a voyeur. Left on your coffee table, I Love Mom is
sure to guarantee a lively after-dinner conversation.


Gray, John., “I Love Mom: An Irreverent History of the Tattoo,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/1274.