Landing on Your Feet: The Canadian Guide to Surviving, Coping, and Prospering from Job Loss
ISBN 0-07-551377-3
DDC 650.14'0971
Kathy Lea is head of Learning Resources in the Buchanan Resource Centre
at Lethbridge Community College.
This highly supportive book would be an excellent adjunct for those
newly “de-recruited,” the restless or anxious, and career
counselors. The author was “de-hired” herself, and learned how to
cope, and even prosper, through the discipline and perseverance she
advocates in her book.
What makes this book distinct and particularly useful is the
thoroughness of the author’s approach. From the moment of being
“de-jobbed” to the actual dialogue to use with significant others,
she thinks of everything. The many real-life stories provide an
excellent summary of the teaching points in the text, as well as
effectively conveying the flavor of the fray.
A superb appendix gives concrete examples of the most important aspects
of the job search (résumés, covering letters, etc.).
In the spirit of the best of this genre, the book does not leave the
reader in a negative universe. It treats the job search as a journey
into self-discovery and mastery. The back-cover blurb is accurate—read
this book and you will be motivated to be a winner in your personal and
professional life.