The Pumpkin King: Four-Time World Champion Howard Dill and the Atlantic Giant


108 pages
Contains Photos, Illustrations, Maps
ISBN 0-88999-516-8
DDC 635'.62





Reviewed by George Jackson

George Jackson is a retired professional agrologist.


This book is about the growing of giant pumpkins and the competitions
that have evolved to determine which grower can grow the biggest one.
While the locale for this story is Nova Scotia, it should be noted that
giant-pumpkin competitors now come from all corners of the globe. These
are real heavyweight pumpkins that top the scales at up to 800 pounds or
more. For many, giant pumpkin growing is a well-kept secret, but this
book will help bring the romance and traditions out of the closet.

“The Pumpkin King,” Howard Dill, is described in the book as the
“singularly most important person in the world of championship pumpkin
growing.” His small farm is located in Windsor, Nova Scotia, about 50
kilometres west of Halifax. Dill has established such a reputation
worldwide that his former hobby of growing pumpkins has evolved into a
thriving business of selling his own protected variety, “Atlantic
Giant” pumpkin seeds.

The author, a Nova Scotian, has researched the subject in detail, and
has provided a most useful primer for those interested in this hobby.
Information on growing the pumpkins and competing is included. All you
need is a small plot of specially prepared soil, a packet of seeds, and
your skills. And if your pumpkin doesn’t attain competitive status,
the recipes for either “punkin” pies or cake will come in handy.


Kingsbury, Al., “The Pumpkin King: Four-Time World Champion Howard Dill and the Atlantic Giant,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed January 28, 2025,