Winning Scholarships: A Student's Guide to Entrance Awards at Ontario Universities and Colleges
Contains Index
ISBN 0-8020-7720-X
DDC 378.3'4'09713
Dennis Blake is a high-school history teacher with the Halton Board of
Michael Howell, co-ordinator of a gifted children’s program and member
of a high-school special education department, has fully exploited his
years of experience as a guidance teacher to fashion a highly useful
work. Designed to aid high-school students in their quest for
postsecondary support, this book helps to expand and define the wide
range of considerations that go into building a successful secondary and
post-secondary educational experience. Written with the student, parent,
and teacher in mind, this guide would probably be most effective when
used in collaboration by all three interested parties.
Howell helps to bring recognition to the fact that our culture has
built up carefully defined societal parameters around the accessibility
and availability of advanced educational opportunities. Utilizing an
empirical rather than a sociological perspective in collating and
presenting his arguments, Howell emphasizes that research skills,
self-discipline, and perseverance are fundamental attributes for
aspiring students to master and make their own.
Two-thirds of the book is a carefully indexed and categorized listing
of awards and bursaries available at Canada’s universities, colleges,
and elsewhere. As universities and colleges are notoriously slow to
change that which they have institutionalized, Howell’s work should
retain currency for several years to come.