Start and Run a Profitable Craft Business: A Step-by-Step Business Plan 4th ed
Contains Illustrations
ISBN 0-88908-974-4
DDC 745.5'068
Dean Tudor is a journalism professor at the Ryerson Polytechnical
Institute and founding editor of the CBRA.
Since 1984, when this book was last revised, the crafts industry has
taken off—not as much as the craftspersons would have liked, but
enough for the cottage industry to support workers and create home
ambiences of “hearthing.” Hynes has run his own craft business since
1976 and is obviously well-qualified to lead the prospective
craftsperson through the steps necessary for financial success.
The book is designed for production items, not for one-of-a-kind craft
pieces. The 16 chapters cover all aspects of setting up a business: how
to learn craft skills, retail/wholesale comparisons, marketing tips,
accounting systems, management and expansion, and the like. Updated
material includes new information on tax laws and the GST. The book is
somewhat diluted in its discussion of the rules and regulations of doing
business, since it was written to sell in both the United States and
Canada. There are listings of craft organizations and agencies (one or
more for each of 34 states and 10 provinces), and for government
development agencies that concern themselves with either small business
in general or craft businesses in particular.