The Better Book for Getting Hired: How to Write a Great Resumé, Sell Yourself in the Interview, and Get That Job 3rd ed


188 pages
ISBN 0-88908-995-7
DDC 650.14





Reviewed by Susan Free

Susan Free is a movement analyst, teacher, and freelance writer in


A practical guide for job hunters, this book walks the reader through
all stages of a job search. While the emphasis is on resumé-writing
(there are 59 sample resumés, for everything from pilot to welder),
there are also chapters on researching companies, writing cover letters,
fielding interview questions, doing well on employee evaluations, and
other pertinent subjects. The book discusses many common mistakes made
by would-be employees, and suggests ways to avoid them.

Written in simple language, with abundant examples, this book often
goes beyond commonsensical information to suggest new ways of
approaching a job hunt. For instance, the book explains how one might do
research on prospective employers through registrars of companies. It
provides the addresses and telephone numbers of American and Canadian
registrars, as well as a sample questionnaire one might use to research
a particular company.

The book’s principal flaw is that it does not adequately address the
subject of resumé layout. In the last 10 years, computer hardware and
desktop-publishing software have completely changed the way most
resumés look. If there is a fourth edition of this book, the author
should consider including a chapter on the computer-assisted resumé.


Downe, Robert P., “The Better Book for Getting Hired: How to Write a Great Resumé, Sell Yourself in the Interview, and Get That Job 3rd ed,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,