The CANSCAIP Companion: A Biographical Record of Canadian Children's Authors, Illustrators, and Performers
Contains Photos
ISBN 0-921217-58-7
DDC 700'.92'2
Laurence Steven is Chairman of the English Department at Laurentian
University and author of Dissociation and Wholeness in Patrick White’s
The CANSCAIP Companion is a compendium of useful biographical and
bibliographical information about the 262 members of the Canadian
Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators, and Performers. A typical
one-page entry includes a photograph; an address; a list of published or
illustrated works, or performances, as the case may be; other
memberships; and details on the artist’s availability for lectures,
readings, workshops, and so on. Though the entries are arranged
alphabetically, the book includes appendices organizing the membership
by craft and by region, and lists of relevant organizations, societies,
awards, and prizes. Altogether this directory is a boon to teachers,
librarians, researchers, and (as I already know from experience)