At War with Alice


142 pages
ISBN 0-921835-13-2
DDC 940.54'81'41




Reviewed by Sidney Allinson

Sidney Allinson is a Victoria-based communications consultant, Canadian
news correspondent for Britain’s The Army Quarterly and Defence, and
the author of Military Archives: International Directory of Military
Publications and The Bantams: The Untold St


At War with Alice is a gentle memoir of family life in a resort town in
England during World War II. At its core are Douglas Walker’s
affectionate memories of his Aunt Alice, a woman of strong personality
who was determined that she and those around her would “carry on”
despite the threat of enemy attack. In fact, with the exception of
occasional lone raids by stray Luftwaffe pilots, danger seldom arrived.
In lieu of wartime grimness, this memoir offers a series of
often-humorous anecdotes about a family circle that had its share of
English eccentrics.


Walker, Douglas., “At War with Alice,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 28, 2024,