Who's Who in Canadian Film and Television, 1991-92


618 pages
ISBN 0-88920-210-9
DDC 791.43'025'71




Reviewed by Cam Tolton

Cam Tolton is a professor of French and Cinema Studies at the University
of Toronto.


This is the fourth edition of the valuable directory of cinema- and
television-related personnel in Canada. The first edition (1986) listed
some 400 Canadian film and television directors and picture editors.
This edition includes writers, producers, cinematographers, art
directors, production managers, costume designers, sound personnel, and
film publicists. It lists more than twenty-five hundred names, and is
distributed worldwide for the first time through the assistance of
Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Each detailed entry is organized under the headings Types of
Productions and Credits, Genres, Biography, and Selected Filmography.
The last two headings include listings of awards. If someone of
importance is not listed, he or she has only himself or herself to
blame, as information was solicited from several thousand names in the
database of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television. Entries from
the third edition have been reprinted for those people who did not offer
an updating for this one. Possible errors in fact are largely the
responsibility of the entrant, as individuals wrote their own copy. They
also chose the language of their entry—English or French.

The preface claims that the volume’s purpose is threefold: a
reference source for researchers, a source of information for employers
seeking employees, and a promotion tool for the identification of
specifically Canadian talent. It appears to be so well prepared that it
fulfills its own claim to be “the most comprehensive and accurate
reference guide to the Canadian production community to date.”


“Who's Who in Canadian Film and Television, 1991-92,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed January 17, 2025, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/11795.