Country Preacher's Notebook


144 pages
Contains Photos, Illustrations
ISBN 0-919599-93-1
DDC 287.9'2'092






Reviewed by Susan Perks

Susan Perks, formerly a teacher and librarian, is a travel agent in
Thompson, Manitoba.


Sasse is an ordained United Church minister, and has ministered to
numerous small Prairie communities over the past 25 years. She was
raised on a farm in Alberta, and can identify with her parishioners. She
has written several books, as well as articles for various church

This book is a collection of anecdotes, prayers, poems, and meditative
reflections about her rural ministry: all down-to-earth incidents that
the reader can identify with. Through the book, the worship of the
country church becomes real, and many readers will see themselves in the
various characters. But this is not just for rural people: urban people
will enjoy her character descriptions, and will learn about the issues
that face rural people today. Sasse does not romanticize nor idealize
the rural life, yet she is able to convey an adequate picture of it.
Each anecdote, each reflection, gives readers something to think about.

Part 1, “Our Place,” describes the physical aspects of Prairie
life, detailing how people have adjusted to those conditions. Part 2
deals with “Our Pain.” Here Sasse talks about times of dryness,
family relationships, divorce, and other emotional topics. Part 3, the
spiritual section, offers anecdotes about worship services, baptisms,
weddings, and other aspects of spiritual life.

Some poems and writings by other people are included. There are many
humorous incidents related, and Sasse skillfully interweaves these to
produce an enjoyable, interesting, and very thought-provoking book.
Highly recommended.


Sasse, Joyce., “Country Preacher's Notebook,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,