Boats Unlimited
Contains Photos, Index
ISBN 0-919783-98-8
DDC 797.1'4'092
Matt Hartman is a freelance editor and cataloguer, running Hartman Cataloguing, Editing and Indexing Services.
The sport of speedboat racing has always appealed to the affluent and
leisure classes. This is particularly true in Canada, as the
opportunities in this country for such a pastime are limited, forcing
devotées to travel (usually at considerable expense) to foreign waters
to participate. Nevertheless, boat racing holds a certain fascination
for all those who love speed and danger, and Wilson’s book serves this
slice of the population well. His place in the history of boat racing is
firmly established. From his first races in the Muskoka lakes to his
triumphs at Harmsworth, Wilson has made it his business to understand
everything about racing boats—their design, construction, engineering,
and piloting.
Wilson has also been a lover of sailing, and the second part of his
book deals with that more popular activity. His boats have been some of
the best that money can buy, and he has worked and sailed with important
sailors in Canada and worldwide. Illustrated with black-and-white
photographs. Recommended for the public library.