Crocus Hill Notebook
ISBN 0-920354-30-0
DDC 372.11'02
Jean Free, a library consultant, is a retired public-school teacher and
librarian in Whitby, Ontario.
“I am a dream maker, catcher of rainbows,” begins Jones’s
sensitive year-long diary of his work in a Grade 2 classroom at a
fictional Prairie elementary school. His stories, based on his
experiences as a teacher, will strike a responsive chord with parents
and teachers. Crocus Hill Notebook abounds with love, enthusiasm, and
interest in learning as a sympathetic teacher guides his 27 students
through a primary year.
As Jones progresses through the year with his students, he realizes
that “like the wild crocuses, children are often carelessly stomped
upon and tossed away.” In his sensitive snapshots of young Native
author Annie, antagonistic Shawn and Jason, and handicapped Dianne, he
helps his readers understand the unique qualities of the children as
they learn through math tubs, the Christmas concert, the death of a
teacher, and playground experiences. The frustrations of staff meetings,
parent-teacher interviews and report cards are all part of the long
teaching day. Then, at last, the tiny crocuses planted last fall bloom
in the Prairie spring and the events in the Crocus Hill Notebook end.
Jones is a Calgary writer and elementary-school vice-principal. He
writes with a fine eye for detail in Crocus Hill Notebook, showing the
emotions of a sensitive teacher helping youngsters cope with their daily
life. He is the author of books of poetry, songs and professional books
for teachers. Crocus Hill Notebook gives compassionate insight into the
urban Canadian school. Recommended for teachers and parents.