Search Results

260 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Yeadon-Jones, Anne, and Laurence Yeadon-Jones. 2000 Raincoast Books
Miller-Schroeder, Patricia L.. 2000 Weigl Educational Publishers
Smyth, Ross. 2001 General Store Publishing House
Allen, Tom. 2001 Penguin Books Canada
Dwyer, Michael J. 2001 Key Porter Books
Bercuson, David J., and Holger H. Herwig. 2001 Stoddart Publishing
Ferguson, Ted. 2001 Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Henry, Tom. 2001 Harbour Publishing
Lamb, J. Parker. 2001 The Boston Mills Press
LeClair, Stanley. 2001 Nimbus Publishing
MacDonald, Larry. 2001 John Wiley & Sons Canada
Maginley, Charles D., and Bernard Collin. 2001 Vanwell Publishing
Pigott, Peter. 2001 Harbour Publishing
2001 Flanker Press
Zuk, Bill. 2001 The Boston Mills Press
McTavish, Don. 2001 NeWest Press
Spicer, Stanley T. 2001 Formac Publishing Company
Delgado, James P. 2001 Douglas & McIntyre
Corley-Smith, Peter. 2001 Sono Nis Press
Kalman, Bobbie, and Kate Calder. 2001 Crabtree Publishing
Kalman, Bobbie, and Kate Calder. 2001 Crabtree Publishing
Hewett, Shirley. 2002 Heritage House Publishing
Jones, David Laurence. 2002 Fifth House
Mansbridge, Francis. 2002 Harbour Publishing
Robson, Peter, and Betty Keller. 2002 Harbour Publishing