Navigating a New World: Canada's Global Future |
Axworthy, Lloyd.
2003 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Pierre Elliott Trudeau: The Fascinating Life of Canada's Most Flamboyant Prime Minister |
Sauerwein, Stan.
2004 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
René Lévesque: The Fascinating Life of a Separatist Icon |
Durnford, Megan.
2005 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
The Party Without Bosses: Lessons on Anti-Capitalism from Félix Guattari and Luís Inácio 'Lula' da Silva |
Genosko, Gary.
2003 |
Arbeiter Ring Publishing
World in Crisis: The End of the American Century. |
Kolko, Gabriel.
2009 |
Arbeiter Ring Publishing
The Little Book of Reform |
1994 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Lament for a Notion: The Life and Death of Canada's Bilingual Dream |
Reid, Scott.
1993 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Quotations from Chairman Lamport |
1990 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Expansive Discourses: Urban Sprawl in Calgary, 1945-1978. |
Foran, Max.
2009 |
AU Press
Breaking Point, Quebec • Canada: The 1995 Referendum |
Cardinal, Mario.
2005 |
Bayard Canada Books
Brotherhood to Nationhood: George Manuel and the Making of the Modern Indian Movement |
McFarlane, Peter.
1993 |
Between the Lines
Rebels, Reds, Radicals: Rethinking Canada's Left History |
McKay, Ian.
2005 |
Between the Lines
Complicity: Human Rights and Canadian Foreign Policy-the Case of East Timor |
Scharfe, Sharon.
1996 |
Black Rose Books
Aboriginal Peoples: Toward Self-Government |
Edited by Marie Léger.
1994 |
Black Rose Books
21st-Century Japan: A New Sun Rising. |
Harrison, Trevor W.
2008 |
Black Rose Books
Complicity: Human Rights and Canadian Foreign Policy-the Case of East Timor |
Scharfe, Sharon.
1996 |
Black Rose Books
Aboriginal Peoples: Toward Self-Government |
Edited by Marie Léger.
1994 |
Black Rose Books
Twentieth-Century Newfoundland: Explorations |
1994 |
Breakwater Books
Icy Battleground: Canada, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, and the Seal Hunt |
Barry, Donald.
2005 |
Breakwater Books
The Canadian Regime |
Malcolmson, Patrick, and Richard Myers.
1997 |
Broadview Press
The Environment and NAFTA: Understanding and Implementing the New Continental Law |
Johnson, Pierre Marc, and André Beaulieu.
1996 |
Broadview Press
We Are Not You: First Nations and Canadian Modernity |
Denis, Claude.
1997 |
Broadview Press
The Decline of Deference: Canadian Value Change in Cross-National Perspective |
Nevitte, Neil.
1996 |
Broadview Press
Provinces: Canadian Provincial Politics |
1996 |
Broadview Press
Anatomy of a Liberal Victory: Making Sense of the Vote in the 2000 Canadian Election |
Blais, André, et al.
2002 |
Broadview Press