Funny Boy: A Novel in 6 Stories |
Selvadurai, Shyam.
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
The Stone Lion |
Slavin, Bill.
1996 |
Red Deer College Press
Tantramar. |
Sparling, Eric.
2008 |
Breakwater Books
The Minstrel Boy |
Stewart, Sharon.
1997 |
Napoleon Publishing
Thérèse and Pierrette and the Little Hanging Angel |
Tremblay, Michel.
1996 |
Big White Knuckles. |
Tucker, Brian.
2007 |
Nimbus Publishing
On Broken Glass |
Waldo, H.M.
1994 |
Whynchat Publications
Crazy About Lili. |
Weintraub, William.
2005 |
McClelland & Stewart
A Reckoning of Angels |
Whitley, Stuart James.
1999 |
Great Plains Publications
Before the Flood |
Wilson, Alan R.
1999 |
Cormorant Books
Lorinda's Diary |
Wilson, Budge.
1991 |
General Publishing
Flames of the Tiger |
Wilson, John.
2003 |
Kids Can Press
Flames of the Tiger |
Wilson, John.
2003 |
Kids Can Press
Flight of the Tiger Moth. |
Woodbury, Mary.
2007 |
Coteau Books
The Magpie Summer |
Wright, Judith.
1992 |
Polestar Book Publishers