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Black Rose Books
Dante, Cinema, and Television |
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University of Toronto Press
Dante, Cinema, and Television |
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Delayed Impact: The Holocaust and the Canadian Jewish Community |
Bialystok, Franklin.
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McGill-Queen's University Press
Jena Romanticism and Its Appropriation of Jakob Böhme: Theosophy, Hagiography, Literature |
Mayer, Paola.
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McGill-Queen's University Press
John Donne and the Line of Wit: From Metaphysical to Modernist. |
Stanwood, P.G.
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Ronsdale Press
John Ruskin and Switzerland |
Hayman, John.
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Wilfrid Laurier University Press
The New Republic: A Commentary on Book I of More's Utopia Showing Its Relation to Plato's Republic |
Starnes, Colin.
1990 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media |
Steven, Peter.
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Between the Lines
Two Spirits Soar: The Art of Allen Sapp, the Inspiration of Allan Gonor |
Kinsella, W.P.
1990 |
Stoddart Publishing