A Great Place to Raise Kids: Interpretation, Science, and the Urban-Rural Debate |
Bonner, Kieran.
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McGill-Queen's University Press
A Shadow on the Household: One Enslaved Family's Incredible Struggle for Freedom. |
Prince, Bryan.
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McClelland & Stewart
A Swim Against the Tide: The Fight to Adopt Children into a Loving Home |
McKinstry, David R.I.
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White Knight Publications
Adoption Reunions: A Book for Adoptees, Birth Parents and Adoptive Families |
McColm, Michelle.
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Second Story Press
All in the Family: A Cultural History of Family Life |
Kelman, Suanne.
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Penguin Books Canada
As If Kids Mattered |
Webber, Marlene.
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Key Porter Books
At Your Fingertips!: A Household Filing System That Works for You |
Dale, Denise and Alexandra Bradley.
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Streamline Information and Organizing Services
Baby Games: The Joyful Guide to Child's Play from Birth to Three Years. Rev. ed. |
Martin, Elaine.
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Stoddart Publishing
Baby Is a Four-Letter Word: Surviving the First Two Years of Parenthood |
Sager, Dorianne.
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Key Porter Books
Battling the School-Yard Bully: How to Raise an Assertive Child in an Aggressive World |
Zarzour, Kim.
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HarperCollins Canada
Betty Jane's Diary: Lessons Children Taught Me |
Wylie, Betty Jane.
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HarperCollins Canada
Brothers and Strangers |
Halvorson, Marilyn.
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Stoddart Publishing
Butterbox Survivors: Life After the Ideal Maternity Home |
Hartlen, Robert.
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Nimbus Publishing
By the Secret Ladder: A Mother's Initiation. |
Greenslade, Frances.
2007 |
Penguin Books Canada
Canada's Changing Families: Implications for Individuals and Society |
2006 |
University of Toronto Press
Canada's Changing Families: Implications for Individuals and Society |
2006 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Family Policies: Cross-National Comparisons |
Baker, Maureen.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Family Policies: Cross-National Comparisons |
Baker, Maureen.
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University of Toronto Press
Carefair: Rethinking the Responsibilities and Rights of Citizenship |
Kershaw, Paul.
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UBC Press
Child and Family Policies: Struggles, Strategies and Options |
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Fernwood Publishing
Child Support, Divorce, Custody, Access and Government Policies: A Gender-Based Analysis |
Cheriton, Glenn.
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Commoners' Publishing Society
Cinderella Revisited: How to Survive Your Stepfamily Without a Fairy Godmother |
Marshall, Peter.
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Whitecap Books
Cold Comfort: Mothers, Professionals, and Attention Deficit Disorder |
Malacrida, Claudia.
2003 |
University of Toronto Press
Cold Comfort: Mothers, Professionals, and Attention Deficit Disorder |
Malacrida, Claudia.
2003 |
University of Toronto Press
Comeback |
Grant, Vicki
2010 |
Orca Book Publishers