Subway Under Byzantium. |
Gadd, Maxine.
2008 |
New Star Books
Living the Country Dream: Stories from Harrowsmith Country Life. |
2007 |
Firefly Books
Country Post: Rural Postal Service in Canada, 1880 to 1945 |
Amyot, Chantal, and John Willis.
2003 |
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Don't Name the Ducks and Other Truths About Life in the Country |
Dudley, Wendy.
2003 |
Fifth House
Getting Rid of Alders: 100 Seasons of Farm and Country Living |
2001 |
Nimbus Publishing
Under Sydenham Skies: A Celebration of Country Life |
Baines, Cornelia Johanna.
2001 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Letters from Section 17: A Collection of Morningside Essays |
McGuinness, Fred.
1999 |
Great Plains Publications
Heading Home: On Starting a New Life in a Country Place |
Scanlan, Lawrence.
1996 |
Doubleday Canada
Anne of Green Gables. Jr. ed. |
Montgomery, Lucy Maud.
1991 |
Key Porter Books
The Invisible Horse |
Henderson, Frances.
1991 |
Stoddart Publishing