Search Results

105 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Eiselt, Marianne, and H.A. Eiselt. 1996 Goose Lane Editions
Waldie, Paul. 1996 Penguin Books Canada
Hayes, Wilhelmina Fair. 2006 Shoreline
Redekopp, Jean. 1996 Broken Jaw Press
McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown. 1999 Reidmore Books
McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown. 1999 Reidmore Books
McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown. 1999 Reidmore Books
McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown. 1999 Reidmore Books
Fischer, George. 1998 Nimbus Publishing
Losier, Mary Jane. 1999 Nimbus Publishing
Hamilton, William B. 2004 Gaspereau Press
Craig, Béatrice. 2009 University of Toronto Press
McCarthy, A.J. 1997 Nimbus Publishing
Wilson, Barry K. 2001 McGill-Queen's University Press
Burrows, Roger 2010 Goose Lane Editions
Arsenault, Chris. 2009 Fernwood Publishing
Brislain, Michael. 1995 Goose Lane Editions
Leroux, John 2010 Goose Lane Editions
Jarratt, Melynda. 2008 Goose Lane Editions
Wetmore, David. 2004 Canadian Museum of Civilization
Fischer, George, and Claude Bouchard. 2002 Nimbus Publishing
Woloschuk, Michael. 1995 Key Porter Books
Atkinson, Brian. 2003 Nimbus Publishing
Trueman, Mildred. 1994 Nimbus Publishing
Curtis, Wayne. 1996 Goose Lane Editions