Search Results

598 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
1982 Western Producer Prairie Books
Whitehead, Margaret 1981 Provincial Archives of British Columbia
White, Ellen 1981 Theytus Books
Thompson, Ruth 1982 Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Stewart, Hilary 1980 Hancock House
Smith, David M. 1982 National Museums of Canada
Page, Daniel H., in collaboration with Victor M.P. Da Rosa 1982 Borealis Press
Moore, Kermot A. 1982 Highway Book Shop
McNeil, Kent 1982 Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan
McNeil, Kent 1982 Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Drew, Leslie 1982 Hancock House
Dosman, Edgar J. 1982 McClelland & Stewart
Burnaby, Barbara 1982 OISE Press
Brody, Hugh 1981 Douglas & McIntyre
Slattery, Brian 1983 Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Sawyer, Don, and Howard Green, comps 1984 Tillacum Library
Riendeau, Roger 1984 Dundurn Press
Raunet, Daniel 1984 Douglas & McIntyre
Peters, Evelyn J. 1984 Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg
1984 Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University
Lithman, Yngve Georg 1984 University of Manitoba Press
Janes, Robert R. 1983 Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary
1984 The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Dempsey, Hugh A. 1984 Douglas & McIntyre
Whyte, Jon 1985 Altitude Publishing Canada