Whose Brave New World?: The Information Highway and the New Economy |
Menzies, Heather.
1996 |
Between the Lines
Changing Maps: Governing in a World of Rapid Change |
Rosell, Steven A., et al.
1995 |
Carleton University Press
Lost in Cyberspace? |
Chodos, Robert, Rae Murphy, and Eric Hamovitch.
1997 |
James Lorimer & Co.
Digital Shock: Confronting the New Reality |
Fischer, Hervé.
2006 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Human Rights in an Information Age: A Philosophical Analysis |
Walters, Gregory J.
2001 |
University of Toronto Press
Mennonites in the Global Village |
Driedger, Leo.
2000 |
University of Toronto Press
Mennonites in the Global Village |
Driedger, Leo.
2000 |
University of Toronto Press
Fuzzy Logic: Dispatches from the Information Revolution |
Friedman, Matthew.
1997 |
Véhicule Press