Rogue Primate: An Exploration of Human Domestication |
Livingston, John A.
1994 |
Key Porter Books
Boundaries of Home: Mapping for Local Empowerment |
1993 |
New Society Publishers
Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth |
Wackernagel, Mathis, and William E. Rees.
1996 |
New Society Publishers
The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature |
Suzuki, David, with Amanda McConnell.
1997 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Canada and the State of the Planet: The Social, Economic and Environmental Trends That Are Shaping Our Lives |
Keating, Michael.
1997 |
Oxford University Press Canada
A Border Within: National Identity, Cultural Plurality, and Wilderness |
Angus, Ian.
1997 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Earth Time |
Suzuki, David.
1998 |
Stoddart Publishing
Human Survivability in the 21st Century: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in November 1998 Under the Auspices of the Royal Society of Canada |
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
First Nations Faith and Ecology |
Rajotte, Freda.
1998 |
Anglican Book Centre
The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Naturalism. Rev. ed. |
Bookchin, Murray.
1995 |
Black Rose Books