Corporate Decision-Making in Canada |
1995 |
University of Calgary Press
Corporate Globalization through Mergers and Acquisitions |
1991 |
University of Calgary Press
Cowboys, Ranchers and the Cattle Business: Cross-Border Perspectives on Ranching History |
2000 |
University of Calgary Press
Creating Citizens: History and Identity in Alberta's Schools, 1905–1980. |
von Heyking, Amy.
2006 |
University of Calgary Press
Crossing Over: Genomics in the Public Arena |
2005 |
University of Calgary Press
Danger, Death, and Disaster: In the Crowsnest Pass Mines, 1902–1928 |
Buckley, Karen.
2004 |
University of Calgary Press
Death Drive Through Gaia Paris. |
Noble, Charles.
2007 |
University of Calgary Press
Developing Alberta's Oil Sands from Karl Clark to Kyoto |
Chastko, Pau A.
2004 |
University of Calgary Press
Doing Things the Right Way: Dene Traditional Justice in Lac La Martre, NWT |
Ryan, Joan.
1995 |
University of Calgary Press
Doubt's Boots |
Noble, Charles.
2003 |
University of Calgary Press
Drones, Clones, and Alpha Babes: Retrofitting «Star Trek»'s Humanism Post-9/11. |
Relke, Diana M.A.
2006 |
University of Calgary Press
Empire of Dust: Settling and Abandoning the Prairie Dry Belt |
Jones, David C.
2002 |
University of Calgary Press
Enabling Solutions for Sustainable Living: A Workshop. |
2008 |
University of Calgary Press
Eric J Hanson's Financial History of Alberta, 1905–1950 |
Hanson, Eric J.
2003 |
University of Calgary Press
Eternal Network: A Mail Art Anthology |
1995 |
University of Calgary Press
Eugene A Forsey: An Intellectual Biography |
Milligan, Frank.
2003 |
University of Calgary Press
Eye on the Future: Business People in Calgary and the Bow Valley, 1870-1900 |
Klassen, Henry C.
2002 |
University of Calgary Press
Faculty of Nursing on the Move: Nursing at the University of Calgary, 1969–2004 |
Boschma, Geertje.
2005 |
University of Calgary Press
Faith, Scepticism and Personal Identity |
MacIntosh, J.J., and H.A. Meynell.
1994 |
University of Calgary Press
Far from Home: A Memoir of a 20th Century Soldier |
Williams, Jeffery.
2003 |
University of Calgary Press
Federalism and the New World Order |
1994 |
University of Calgary Press
Feminist Moral Philosophy |
2003 |
University of Calgary Press
Financing Growth in Canada |
1997 |
University of Calgary Press
Fisheries and Uncertainty: A Precautionary Approach to Resource Management |
1996 |
University of Calgary Press
Foreign Investment, Technology and Economic Growth |
1991 |
University of Calgary Press