The Elizabethan Theatre VIII: Papers Given at the Eighth International Conference on Elizabethan Theatre Held at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, in July 1979 |
1982 |
P.D. Meany
How to Type Mathematics and Science |
Smith, Marion, and Graham Taylor
1984 |
P.D. Meany
Hohenzollern Berlin: Construction and Reconstruction |
Taylor, Robert R.
1985 |
P.D. Meany
George Meredith's Politics as Seen in His Life, Friendships, and Works |
Stone, James S.
1986 |
P.D. Meany
The Uncounted Irish: In Canada and the United States |
Fitzgerald, Margaret E.
1990 |
P.D. Meany
The Irish Diaspora: A Primer |
Akenson, Donald H.
1993 |
P.D. Meany
The Uncounted Irish: In Canada and the United States |
Fitzgerald, Margaret E.
1990 |
P.D. Meany
The Elizabethan Theatre XI |
1990 |
P.D. Meany