Search Results

79 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Bright, David. 1998 UBC Press
1997 The Fraser Institute
1995 Reidmore Books
1993 Purich Publishing
Boyens, Ingeborg. 2001 Penguin Books Canada
Fudge, Judy, and Eric Tucker. 2001 Oxford University Press Canada
Leier, Mark. 1999 New Star Books
Hildebrandt, Walter 1985 National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada
Elofson, W.M. 2004 McGill-Queen's University Press
Carter, Sarah A. 1990 McGill-Queen's University Press
Greenhill, Pauline. 1994 McGill-Queen's University Press
Morton, Desmond. 1998 McGill-Queen's University Press
Grady, Wayne. 1997 Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Gleave, Alfred P. 1991 Lugus Publications
Scher, Len. 1992 Lester Publishing
1984 Langdale Press
Essex, Christopher, and Ross McKitrick. 2003 Key Porter Books
Phillips, David. 1998 Key Porter Books
Piffko, Karen. 2000 Heritage House Publishing
Wells, Oliver. 2003 Harbour Publishing
1996 Garamond Press
Waiser, Bill. 2003 Fifth House
Dederick, Paul, and Bill Waiser. 2003 Fifth House
Friesen, Victor Carl. 2004 Fifth House
Wetherell, Donald G. 1993 Fifth House