Who's Who of Canadian Women |
1997 |
Who's Who Publications
Terms of Use: Negotiating the Jungle of the Intellectual Commons. |
2008 |
University of Toronto Press
Beasley's Guide to Library Research. Rev. ed. |
Beasley, David.
2000 |
University of Toronto Press
Terms of Use: Negotiating the Jungle of the Intellectual Commons. |
2008 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Who's Who 2008. |
Lumley, Elizabeth.
2008 |
University of Toronto Press
Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Vol. IX: Two Islands: Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island |
2005 |
University of Toronto Press
A History of Canadian Legal Thought: Collected Essays |
Risk, R.C.B.
2006 |
University of Toronto Press
The Canadianization Movement: Emergence, Survival, and Success |
Cormier, Jeffrey.
2004 |
University of Toronto Press
Beasley's Guide to Library Research. Rev. ed. |
Beasley, David.
2000 |
University of Toronto Press
Bad Judgment: The Case of Mr. Justice Leo A Landreville |
Kaplan, William.
1996 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Who's Who 1996 |
1996 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Who's Who 1997 |
1997 |
University of Toronto Press
Gentlemen Engineers: The Working Lives of Frank and Walter Shanly |
White, Richard.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
Editing Early and Historical Atlases |
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751-1800 |
Fleming, Tremaine, Marie.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
Early Canadian Printing: A Supplement to Marie Tremaine's «A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751-1800» |
Fleming, Patricia Lockhart, and Sandra Alston.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
Canada and the British World: Culture, Migration, and Identity |
2006 |
UBC Press
The Internet Handbook for Writers, Researchers, and Journalists. 2nd ed. |
McGuire, Mary, et al.
2000 |
Trifolium Books
Living Stones: St James' Church, Kingston, 1845-1995 |
Lyon, David.
1996 |
Quarry Press
The Island: A Twentieth Anniversary Anthology from The Island Magazine |
1996 |
Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation
1998 Canadian Internet Directory and Research Guide |
Carroll, Jim, and Rick Broadhead.
1997 |
Prentice-Hall Canada
Dictionary of Canadian Place Names |
Rayburn, Alan.
1997 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Nova Scotia Street and Road Atlas |
2006 |
Nimbus Publishing
How to Research Almost Anything: A Canadian Guide for Students, Consumers and Business. 3rd ed. |
Overbury, Stephen, and Susanna Buenaventura.
1998 |
McGraw-Hill Ryerson
An Irish History of Civilization, Vol. 2 |
Akenson, Donald H.
2005 |
McGill-Queen's University Press