Search Results

44 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
1996 Canadian Library Association
1997 Who's Who Publications
Rayburn, Alan. 1997 Oxford University Press Canada
Buxton, William, and Charles R. Acland. 1998 McGill University Libraries
Carroll, Jim, and Rick Broadhead. 1997 Prentice-Hall Canada
1997 University of Toronto Press
1998 Key Porter Books
Rollins, Caron, and Jann Lynn-George. 1997 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions
Mount, Graeme S., John Abbott, and Michael J. Mulloy. 1995 Dundurn Press
Douglas, Dan. 1995 Dundurn Press
Masters, Donald C. 1995 Dundurn Press
Little, J.I. 1995 McGill-Queen's University Press
Farmiloe, Dorothy. 1994 Black Moss Press
Branden, Victoria. 1998 Dundurn Press
White, Richard. 1999 University of Toronto Press
1995 University of Toronto Press
Overbury, Stephen, and Susanna Buenaventura. 1998 McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Fleming, Tremaine, Marie. 1999 University of Toronto Press
Fleming, Patricia Lockhart, and Sandra Alston. 1999 University of Toronto Press