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Against the Draft: Essays on Conscientious Objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War |
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Canada and the Cost of World War II: The International Operations of Canada's Department of Finance, 1939–1947 |
Bryce, Robert B.
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Beware the British Serpent: The Role of Writers in British Propaganda in the United States, 1939–1945 |
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On the Take: Crime, Corruption and Greed in the Mulroney Years |
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The Unmaking of Canada: The Hidden Theme in Canadian History Since 1945 |
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The Unmaking of Canada: The Hidden Theme in Canadian History Since 1945 |
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Official Secrets: The Story Behind the Canadian Security Intelligence Service |
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McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Hurry Up and Wait: An Inside Look at Life as a Canadian Military Wife |
Collier, Dianne.
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Creative Bound Inc.
Sins of Omission: Shaping the News at CBC TV |
Cooper, Barry.
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University of Toronto Press
No Price Too High: Canadians and the Second World War |
Copp, Terry, and Richard Nielsen.
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McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Roll of the Dice: Working with Clyde Wells during the Meech Lake Negotiations |
Coyne, Deborah.
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James Lorimer & Co.
Padres in No Man's Land: Canadian Chaplains and the Great War |
Crerar, Duff W.
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The Yugoslav Drama |
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No Holds Barred: My Life in Politics |
Crosbie, John C., with Geoffrey Stevens.
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Weaving a Canadian Allegory: Anonymous Writing, Personal Reading |
Czernis, Loretta.
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Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Insurgency Online: Web Activism and Global Conflict |
Dartnell, Michael Y.
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University of Toronto Press
Insurgency Online: Web Activism and Global Conflict |
Dartnell, Michael Y.
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University of Toronto Press
An Awesome Silence: A Gunner Padre's Journey Through the Valley of the Shadow |
Davis, Eldon S.
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Creative Bound Inc.