Search Results

64 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
1996 Carleton University Press
Moore, Christopher. 1997 McClelland & Stewart
Fox, William T.R. 1985 University of Toronto Press
Johnson, Leonard V. 1987 James Lorimer & Company
McLaughlin, Audrey. 1992 Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Trudeau, Pierre E. 1996 McClelland & Stewart
McKenna, Peter. 1995 Carleton University Press
Martin, Lawrence. 1995 Lester Publishing
Gossage, Patrick 1986 McClelland & Stewart
Starnes, John. 1998 University of Toronto Press
McNaught, Kenneth. 1999 University of Toronto Press
1998 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
1998 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Black, Eldon. 1996 Carleton University Press
1984 University of Toronto Press
MacFarlane, John. 1999 University of Toronto Press
Granatstein, J.L. 1991 Copp Clark Pitman
Granatstein, J.L. 1991 Copp Clark Pitman
Kneale, John G. 1993 Captus Press
Farrell, Ann. 1994 Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Leeson, Howard. 1992 University of Alberta Press
McDonald, Kenneth. 1995 Key Porter Books
Stanley, Della M.M. 1984 Nimbus Publishing
Hantel-Fraser, Christine. 1993 University of Toronto Press
Hantel-Fraser, Christine. 1993 University of Toronto Press