"Special Trust and Confidence": Envoy Essays in Canadian Diplomacy |
1996 |
Carleton University Press
1867: How the Fathers Made a Deal |
Moore, Christopher.
1997 |
McClelland & Stewart
A Continent Apart: The United States and Canada in World Politics |
Fox, William T.R.
1985 |
University of Toronto Press
A General for Peace |
Johnson, Leonard V.
1987 |
James Lorimer & Company
A Woman's Place: My Life and Politics |
McLaughlin, Audrey.
1992 |
Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Against the Current: Selected Writings 1939-1996: Pierre Elliott Trudeau |
Trudeau, Pierre E.
1996 |
McClelland & Stewart
Canada and the OAS: From Dilettante to Full Partner |
McKenna, Peter.
1995 |
Carleton University Press
Chrétien: The Will to Win |
Martin, Lawrence.
1995 |
Lester Publishing
Close to the Charisma: My Years Between the Press and Pierre Elliott Trudeau |
Gossage, Patrick
1986 |
McClelland & Stewart
Closely Guarded: A Life in Canadian Security and Intelligence |
Starnes, John.
1998 |
University of Toronto Press
Conscience and History: A Memoir |
McNaught, Kenneth.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
Diplomatic Missions: The Ambassador in Canadian Foreign Policy |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Diplomatic Missions: The Ambassador in Canadian Foreign Policy |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Direct Intervention: Canada-France Relations, 1967-1974 |
Black, Eldon.
1996 |
Carleton University Press
E.H. Norman: His Life and Scholarship |
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
Ernest Lapointe and Quebec's Influence on Canadian Foreign Policy |
MacFarlane, John.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
For Better or For Worse: Canada and the United States to the 1990s |
Granatstein, J.L.
1991 |
Copp Clark Pitman
For Better or For Worse: Canada and the United States to the 1990s |
Granatstein, J.L.
1991 |
Copp Clark Pitman
Foreign Service |
Kneale, John G.
1993 |
Captus Press
Grace MacInnis: A Story of Love and Integrity |
Farrell, Ann.
1994 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Grant Notley: The Social Conscience of Alberta |
Leeson, Howard.
1992 |
University of Alberta Press
His Pride, Our Fall: Recovering from the Trudeau Revolution |
McDonald, Kenneth.
1995 |
Key Porter Books
Louis Robichaud: A Decade of Power |
Stanley, Della M.M.
1984 |
Nimbus Publishing
No Fixed Address: Life in the Foreign Service |
Hantel-Fraser, Christine.
1993 |
University of Toronto Press
No Fixed Address: Life in the Foreign Service |
Hantel-Fraser, Christine.
1993 |
University of Toronto Press