Foreign Service |
Kneale, John G.
1993 |
Captus Press
Canada and the OAS: From Dilettante to Full Partner |
McKenna, Peter.
1995 |
Carleton University Press
"Special Trust and Confidence": Envoy Essays in Canadian Diplomacy |
1996 |
Carleton University Press
Direct Intervention: Canada-France Relations, 1967-1974 |
Black, Eldon.
1996 |
Carleton University Press
Seize the Day: Lester B Pearson and Crisis Diplomacy |
Pearson, Geoffrey A.H.
1993 |
Carleton University Press
Seize the Day: Lester B Pearson and Crisis Diplomacy |
Pearson, Geoffrey A.H.
1993 |
Carleton University Press
For Better or For Worse: Canada and the United States to the 1990s |
Granatstein, J.L.
1991 |
Copp Clark Pitman
For Better or For Worse: Canada and the United States to the 1990s |
Granatstein, J.L.
1991 |
Copp Clark Pitman
Time and Chance |
Campbell, Kim.
1996 |
Doubleday Canada
Personal Letters of a Public Man: The Family Letters of John G. Diefenbaker |
Diefenbaker, John G.
1985 |
Doubleday Canada
Poisoned Chalice: The Last Campaign of the Progressive Conservative Party |
McLaughlin, David.
1994 |
Dundurn Press
Grace MacInnis: A Story of Love and Integrity |
Farrell, Ann.
1994 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Yankee Go Home?: Canadians and Anti-Americanism |
Granatstein, J.L.
1996 |
HarperCollins Canada
Visionaries: Canadian Triumphs |
1998 |
Heirloom Publishing
Diplomatic Missions: The Ambassador in Canadian Foreign Policy |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Diplomatic Missions: The Ambassador in Canadian Foreign Policy |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
The Rise and Fall of a Middle Power: Canadian Diplomacy from King to Mulroney |
Andrew, Arthur.
1993 |
James Lorimer & Co.
The Rise and Fall of a Middle Power: Canadian Diplomacy from King to Mulroney |
Andrew, Arthur.
1993 |
James Lorimer & Co.
A General for Peace |
Johnson, Leonard V.
1987 |
James Lorimer & Company
His Pride, Our Fall: Recovering from the Trudeau Revolution |
McDonald, Kenneth.
1995 |
Key Porter Books
Storming Babylon: Preston Manning and the Rise of the Reform Party |
Sharpe, Sydney.
1992 |
Key Porter Books
The Man in the Mirror: A True Story of Love, Revolution and Treachery in Iran |
Jerome, Carol
1987 |
Key Porter Books
Chrétien: The Will to Win |
Martin, Lawrence.
1995 |
Lester Publishing
A Woman's Place: My Life and Politics |
McLaughlin, Audrey.
1992 |
Macfarlane Walter & Ross
The Canadian Way: Shaping Canada's Foreign Policy 1968-1984 |
Head, Ivan L., and Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
1995 |
McClelland & Stewart