Sailor-Scholar: Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond, 1871-1946 |
Hunt, Barry D.
1982 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
E.H. Norman: His Life and Scholarship |
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
Louis Robichaud: A Decade of Power |
Stanley, Della M.M.
1984 |
Nimbus Publishing
Personal Letters of a Public Man: The Family Letters of John G. Diefenbaker |
Diefenbaker, John G.
1985 |
Doubleday Canada
A Continent Apart: The United States and Canada in World Politics |
Fox, William T.R.
1985 |
University of Toronto Press
Close to the Charisma: My Years Between the Press and Pierre Elliott Trudeau |
Gossage, Patrick
1986 |
McClelland & Stewart
Up The Hill |
Johnston, Donald J.
1986 |
Optimum Publishing
The Man in the Mirror: A True Story of Love, Revolution and Treachery in Iran |
Jerome, Carol
1987 |
Key Porter Books
A General for Peace |
Johnson, Leonard V.
1987 |
James Lorimer & Company
Spycatcher: The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer |
Wright, Peter
1987 |
Stoddart Publishing
Pirouette: Pierre Trudeau and Canadian Foreign Policy |
Granatstein, J.L.
1990 |
University of Toronto Press
For Better or For Worse: Canada and the United States to the 1990s |
Granatstein, J.L.
1991 |
Copp Clark Pitman
Sir Wilfrid Laurier: The Great Conciliator |
Robertson, Barbara.
1991 |
Quarry Press
For Better or For Worse: Canada and the United States to the 1990s |
Granatstein, J.L.
1991 |
Copp Clark Pitman
Storming Babylon: Preston Manning and the Rise of the Reform Party |
Sharpe, Sydney.
1992 |
Key Porter Books
Reaction and Reform: The Politics of the Conservative Party Under RB Bennett, 1927-1938 |
Glassford, Larry A.
1992 |
University of Toronto Press
Grant Notley: The Social Conscience of Alberta |
Leeson, Howard.
1992 |
University of Alberta Press
A Woman's Place: My Life and Politics |
McLaughlin, Audrey.
1992 |
Macfarlane Walter & Ross
The Loner: Three Sketches of the Personal Life and Ideas of RB Bennett, 1870-1947 |
Waite, P.B.
1992 |
University of Toronto Press
Reaction and Reform: The Politics of the Conservative Party Under RB Bennett, 1927-1938 |
Glassford, Larry A.
1992 |
University of Toronto Press
The Loner: Three Sketches of the Personal Life and Ideas of RB Bennett, 1870-1947 |
Waite, P.B.
1992 |
University of Toronto Press
The Rise and Fall of a Middle Power: Canadian Diplomacy from King to Mulroney |
Andrew, Arthur.
1993 |
James Lorimer & Co.
No Fixed Address: Life in the Foreign Service |
Hantel-Fraser, Christine.
1993 |
University of Toronto Press
Foreign Service |
Kneale, John G.
1993 |
Captus Press
Speaking of Canada: The Centennial History of the Canadian Clubs |
Merifield, Russell R.
1993 |
McClelland & Stewart