Going by the Moon and the Stars: Stories of Two Russian Mennonite Women |
Klassen, Pamela E.
1994 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Milton and the Rise of Russian Satanism |
Boss, Valentin.
1992 |
University of Toronto Press
A Grammar of the Kabardian Language |
Colarusso, John.
1992 |
University of Calgary Press
A Grammar of the Kabardian Language |
Colarusso, John.
1992 |
University of Calgary Press
At the Door at Evening |
Kocbek, Edvard.
1990 |
The Muses' Co.
I Want to Dance |
Senkiw, Christina.
1991 |
Signet Publications
Superwomen and the Double Burden: Women's Experience of Change in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union |
1992 |
Second Story Press
Stepchild on the Vistula |
Simchovitch, Sam.
1994 |
Lugus Publications
A Chance Encounter and Other Stories of Polish Jewry |
Baum, Anna
1993 |
Childe Thursday
Death by Design |
Neray, Ruth Bindefeld.
1992 |
Childe Thursday